There are 7 high schools in Belleville: 3 public, 2 Catholic and 2 private schools. Approximately 3000 students from ages 13-18 walk the halls of these schools each day, many are looking for acceptance, hope and the purpose of life.
Currently, the QYU Belleville Campus Life program works in 3 of these schools using volunteer leaders from local churches, international volunteers, student leaders and teacher sponsors.
Our vision is to have a full time director for the Belleville Campus Life program. With a strong leader to recruit volunteer teams, train student leaders, meet regularly with students and raise funds for continued expansion, we believe that hundreds of youth in Belleville can and will hear and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ.
To learn more about Belleville Campus Life, or if you are interested in helping, please contact Colin Leaver by clicking here.
Currently, the QYU Belleville Campus Life program works in 3 of these schools using volunteer leaders from local churches, international volunteers, student leaders and teacher sponsors.
Our vision is to have a full time director for the Belleville Campus Life program. With a strong leader to recruit volunteer teams, train student leaders, meet regularly with students and raise funds for continued expansion, we believe that hundreds of youth in Belleville can and will hear and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ.
To learn more about Belleville Campus Life, or if you are interested in helping, please contact Colin Leaver by clicking here.
Opportunities & Activities
- High School Lunchtime Discussion Group. Many youth join our weekly groups to work out their own beliefs, thoughts, and questions. They often meet new friends who understood and find a safe and supportive environment. It all starts from ordinary life on the way to find the extraordinary.
- Student Leadership. Youth Unlimited is all about developing Godly leaders with integrity for young people. We do that through one-on-one mentoring relationships, in addition to facilitating regular student leadership meetings and taking students to external leadership training events, such as Today's Teens or retreats and camps.
- Community Resources: We help direct youth when they need more help or resources. We connect with different organizations who care about youth - because we care about youth.
- FREE LUNCH programs: We help sponsor free lunch programs for high school students during their lunch hour. In collaboration with community organizations, we provide leadership and direction, partial funding and advertising for youth who need a safe place or some food to eat.