WHAT'S GOING ON?XP Game Nights: Tuesdays 7-10pm
Variety of games and gamers taking on the digital world together. Plus you can join in on the fun on Discord Nuggets of Wisdom: Wednesdays 2:40-4pm
Join in watching our gamer Nuggets get right into the gaming world and also share a nugget of wisdom from the Bible on Twitch Nerdy Bible Study: Thursdays 7pm-8:30pm (online)
Wanna go a bit deeper in your Bible? Join in our voice chat on Discord to grow in our understanding of the Bible and how it impacts us in our lives. What’s In Your Anime: Thursdays 8:30pm-10pm
Love watching anime? You will love this time as we watch some episodes of anime on Discord together and dissect what kind of Biblical themes or connections are made and take the Level Up Challenge throughout the week! Prayer Support: Thursdays 10pm-11pm
We all can use sometime for prayer and encouragement. Find that support in our voice chat on Discord if you have something you need prayer for or wish to pray along with us for our nerdy crew. Level Up Talks with Wilson: Fridays 1pm-2pm
Join Wilson on some nerd culture discussion and scripture connections that will challenge you to Level Up your life on Twitch! Between the Panels: Check out our weekly blog for insights into fandom & faith.
SHOW YOUR SUPPORTGraphic Word is part of a not-for-profit youth charity called Quinte Youth Unlimited (YFC). All proceeds support Graphic Word nerd focused ministry.
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