WANT TO HELPYou can give food, equipment, money or your time. Become a student leader or join our team of adult volunteer leaders who support our youth. See our current LIST OF NEEDS or simply make a donation.
CONTACTIf you would like more information about visiting the youth centre, helping youth, being a volunteer, donations or anything else, please contact us at 613.969.0471 or email us.
WHAT IS A YOUTH CENTRE?A fun place for youth ages 12-19 away from home and school to meet friends and hang out with people who care. It’s a big room with pool tables, arcades, ping-pong, foosball, couches, food, a vending machine, nerf guns, and a gaming room. There's something for everyone!
WHAT DO YOU DO?Some nights are drop-in (do whatever you want) other night focus on things like: art, baking, games, music, leadership or special events.
COME & SEE!We are open every Wednesday from 7pm-9pm at 444 Dundas Street West, Belleville (on the corner of Dundas & Avondale).